Confessions of a Shopaholic

Release Date: February 13, 2009

Movie of the Day for Saturday, February 7, 2009
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We can't really blame her for cheating on Borat.

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
6/21 Jason Lee I absolutely enjoyed this movie for what it was: a piece of slapstick comedy helmed by a likable, charismatic heroine who invites her own demise while struggling to do what's right.
74/82 Kelly Metz For starters, I have a hard time having sympathy for someone whose main problem is caused by their own doing. Not really the best movie to be released during this economic downturn.
123/169 Max Braden Isla Fisher is cute as anything but the movie feels very paint-by-numbers.

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If you just want to know the basics here, yes, this is a chick flick. If this is all you wanted verified, you can stop reading and move along with your day. If you want further details, then you are a woman or a woefully henpecked man. Now that we have defined the current demographics for the rest of this article, let’s proceed.

Generally considered the spiritual predecessor to Bridget Jones’ Diary, Madeleine Wickham aka Sophie Kinsella’s Shopaholic series are wildly popular British chicklit books. They tell the story of Rebecca Bloomwood, a vapid, mathematically challenged consumer whose obsession with retail therapy leads her to the brink of financial ruin. Bloomwood pays for everything using credit cards, then finds herself swimming in - wait for it – credit card debt. Somehow, this makes her a spunky heroine whom the audience should root for…assuming they aren’t a bunch of communists. I mean, come on. This lady is supporting the basic tenets of capitalism and free trade...err, save for the fact that she does not have the money to pay for the stuff she “buys”.

Realizing her mistake too late, Bloomwood finds herself drawing the attention of the bank, but because this is a fictional tale of chick lit, she also accidentally encounters a multi-millionaire. It’s not giving anything away to say that by the current book in the series, the two of them are married and have a child together. Gee, I never would have seen that coming. And just to show that women fantasize about much different things from men, Bloomwood also winds up getting her dream job…as a personal shopper.

Confessions of a Shopaholic is disposable trash, but given its hugely popular nature, you may have an interest in seeing it. Unless you are a dude. (David Mumpower/BOP)

Vital statistics for Confessions of a Shopaholic
Main Cast Isla Fisher, Joan Cusack, John Goodman
Supporting Cast Hugh Dancy, Krysten Ritter, John Lithgow, Kristin Scott Thomas, Leslie Bibb, Lynn Redgrave, Julie Hagerty
Director P.J. Hogan
Screenwriter Tim Firth, Tracey Jackson, Kayla Alpert
Distributor Touchstone Pictures
Screen Count 2,507
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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