Witless Protection

Release Date: February 22, 2008

Why, Jenny McCarthy, why?

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One of the great mysteries of the world is why people find Larry the Cable Guy funny. The guy from Nebraska who fancies himself a redneck has a small, devoted following that loves his "Git-R-Done" catchphrase. If the box office of Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector and Delta Farce are any indication, though, the rest of America is collectively scratching its head with regards to his appeal.

Yet, Lionsgate must be happy enough with how Larry's films have performed, because they're set to release yet another one. Yes, Witless Protection will be unleashed on audiences who long ago thought that Larry the Cable Guy's schtick was passe. In the film, Mr. Cable Guy portrays a small-town sheriff who witnesses what he believe is a kidnapping and sets out to rescue the girl who he sees as the victim. Naturally, he is a big dummy, as her kidnappers are actually FBI agents assigned to protect her and deliver her to a trial where she'll testify against some Enron types. Still, he somehow is going to bumble into heroism, as the guys protecting her are surely on the take.

For some reason, Jenny McCarthy is in this movie (though realistically, her career is no great shakes lately, either). Also present are the great Peter Stormare, apparently needing a cash infusion after being killed off on Prison Break, and Eric Roberts, who makes odd acting choices anyway. Look for this film to be barely a blip on the radar and primarily an advertisement for the DVD release. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Witless Protection
Main Cast Larry the Cable Guy, Jenny McCarthy, Peter Stormare
Supporting Cast Eric Roberts, Ivana Milicevic, Joe Mantegna
Director Charles Robert Carner
Screenwriter Charles Robert Carner
Distributor Lionsgate
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Rating PG-13
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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