Freedom Writers

Release Date: January 5, 2007

No, I do not have boy parts.

On the Big Board
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197/214 Max Braden Decent music tracks, probably nostalgic for its real-life participants, but this is pretty much your typical dealist teacher in the hood story.

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Freedom Writers is inspired by true events that took place after the LA riots and the worst outbreak of interracial gang warfare ever seen. The story itself is based partly on diaries of real Long Beach teenagers who took note of what they observed.

Hilary Swank stars as Erin Gruwell, a young woman who is excited about her new teaching career. That all changes quickly when she is stuck in a classroom full of gangbangers - Black, Latino and Asian - who despise each other even more than they resent her forced presence in their lives. She doesn't give up, though, and takes the time to listen to them carefully, hearing things that they were never willing to reveal in the past. Realizing that they are stuck in a war that has been taking place from a time before the kids were born, she comes to understand that simply getting through the day is a major victory. Erin gives her students respect and a new outlet for their energies - writing about what really matters to them and showing the world that they do have something to say.

Along with Swank, other stars of the film include Imelda Staunton (who Swank beat for an Academy Award in 2005), Patrick Dempsey and R&B singer Mario. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Freedom Writers
Main Cast Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton, Patrick Dempsey
Supporting Cast Mario, Scott Glenn
Director Richard LaGravenese
Screenwriter Richard LaGravenese
Distributor Paramount
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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