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Release Date: April 13, 2007

August 15, 2005
Urban finds his Path

Karl Urban is in talks to star in Pathfinder, a movie that will be directed by Marcus Nispel from a screenplay by Laeta Kalogridis. 20th Century Fox will distribute the film, which is set in North America when the Vikings accidentally discovered the continent long before Columbus ever got there. A Viking boy is accidentally left behind in a fight between the Vikings and the Native Americans. They raise him as their own, and when his village is wiped out, he defends his people against the attacking Norsemen.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

February 3, 2005
Phoenix Pictures to remake Norwegian suspense flick

Phoenix Pictures will work along with Marcus Nispel (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) to remake the 1987 Norwegian suspense film Pathfinder. The film was nominated for an Academy Award and centered on the exploits of warring tribes in ancient Norway. For the updated version of the story, screenwriter Laeta Kalogridis has re-tooled the story to revolve around the little-known battles that took place between the Vikings and the Native Americans a thousand years ago. When a Viking boy is left behind, he is adopted and raised as a Native American even though he has straw-blonde hair. Eventually, he becomes his adopted people's savior in battling the Norsemen. Ken Watanabe (The Last Samurai) is in talks to topline the film.
Source: Variety

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