Movie News for Blades of Glory
Release Date:
March 30, 2007
February 1, 2006
Fischer puts on Blades
Jenna Fischer has joined the cast of the DreamWorks comedy Blades of Glory. The movie stars Will Ferrell and Jon Heder as a pair of disgraced ice skaters who go up against a rival pair, portrayed by real-life husband and wife Will Arnett and Amy Poehler. Fischer will play the little sister of Arnett and Poehler and will also be the love interest for Heder.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
November 17, 2005
Ferrell, Heder go for Glory
Will Ferrell and Jon Heder are in talks to topline the DreamWorks comedy Blades of Glory. In addition, Amy Poehler and her husband Will Arnett (Arrested Development) are also in negotiations. Will Speck and Josh Gordon will make their feature film directorial debut. The film is set in the world of professional ice skating and will have Ferrell playing one of two skaters who was stripped of his gold medal at the 2002 Olympics, but discovers a loophole in the rules and enters the pairs competition. Craig and Jeff Cox wrote the spec script, which will be re-worked by Dave Krinsky and John Altschuler.
Source: Variety
February 1, 2005
DreamWorks has Blades of Glory
DreamWorks has purchased the comedy spec Blades of Glory from first-time writers Craig and Jeff Cox. The movie will be set in the world of professional ice skating and will center on two former rivals who have been stripped of the gold medals they won in the 2002 Winter Games. Permanently banned from skating in the men's singles Olympics figure skating competition, the pair exploits a loophole so that they can join forces to compete in the pairs category.
Source: Variety
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