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Release Date: March 3, 2006

February 8, 2005
Paxton is Aquamarine

Sara Paxton is set to play the title character in Aquamarine for Fox 2000 and director Elizabeth Allen. The story is based on a children's book by Alice Hoffman and centers on two 12-year-olds who discover a mermaid named Aquamarine in their swimming pool. JoJo, a teen pop star, and Emma Roberts have been cast as the teen girls.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

October 15, 2004
JoJo and Roberts are Aquamarine

Teen pop star JoJo is set to star opposite Emma Roberts in the Fox 2000 project Aquamarine. Based on a novel by Alice Hoffman, the film will center on two teenage girls who discover a mermaid in the swimming pool at their beach club. The studio is looking for an A-list actress to play the part of the mermaid. Elizabeth Allen will direct the film.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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