
Release Date: TBA 2011

He's an autoooooor.

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Since Planet Terror, Robert Rodriguez has been attached to various projects, only for nothing to happen, be it the Barbarella remake or Machete, inspired by the fake trailer that opened Planet Terror. Maybe we’ll never see a Sin City sequel. His latest is a project that’s also been hinted at for almost a decade.

Bob Weinstein made the announcement that Rodriguez has hooked up with Dimension Films again, to write and direct the futuristic action thriller Nerveracker (now without the plural ‘S’- maybe they’ve got sequel potential in mind, a-la Alien / Aliens style).

Set in the year 2085, we follow Joe Tezca, who is part of an elite unit sent in to stop a crime wave amongst a perfect futuristic society. In doing so he finds that “Nerverackers” are trying to take control of the city. At the moment it’s not really revealed what these “Nerverackers” do exactly and what makes them so different to warrant such an annoyingly cool name. Still, Tezca carries on with his mission like a good boy, and attempts to stop the “Nerverackers” before they turn the city into Abu Ghraib.

“This is one of those projects that we dreamed about making for years, and now the timing is right to finally do it,” says Rodriguez. Who knows why the hell they’ve been waiting so long. Maybe the special effects are so outrageous that the technology is now considered to be finally up to the task. Or maybe Rodriguez has just been too busy seeing what else he can stick into Rose McGowan besides a machine gun (I don’t blame him).

Bob Weinstein founded Dimension Films in 1992 as an alternate label for genre releases, and Rodriguez has been a big contributor to its success. His Spy Kids trilogy pulled in a combined total of over $300 million in the US (add foreign totals and it’s a worldwide gross of $460 million); and Sin City took $74 million in the US, reaching over $150 worldwide. Nerverackers could be his next Blade Runner...or the next Babylon A.D. (Shalimar Sahota/BOP)

Vital statistics for Nerveracker
Director Robert Rodriguez
Screenwriter Robert Rodriguez
Distributor Dimension Films
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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