Delta Farce

Release Date: May 11, 2007

We'll be rooting for Danny Trejo to win.

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Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector failed to "Git-R-Done", struggling to $15.6 million worth of box office while alienating critics and viewers along the way. In fact, the Nebraska comedian’s film is currently ranked as one of the hundred worst movies of all-time at IMDb. At Rotten Tomatoes, only two of the 31 critics who sat through the movie found it in redeeming in any capacity. On a personal level, I saw roughly 160 films last year; it was one of the three worst. Clearly, another Larry the Cable Guy movie is cause for concern.

So, why are we getting one? The man works cheap. His last film cost only $4 million to make, meaning the project will eventually be a moneymaker Lionsgate, no small feat for a movie this disastrous. We may draw some conclusions from this. The first is that the comedian’s diehard fanbase of Blue Collar Comedy Tour will suffer through pretty much anything on the off-chance that they might get to hear the Cornhusker’s catchphrases a few times. The second is that as long as the marketing budget is held to a respectable level, movies like this can be respectable financial enterprises. The third is that a certain segment of North American white trash types have more discretionary income than might be expected. These three inferences unfortunately combine to mean that Larry the Cable Guy gets to make another movie.

Enter Delta Farce. The highbrow premise of this one is that Larry the Cable Guy, DJ Qualls and Bill Engvall are mistaken for American soldiers (and sure, that’s a likely mistake given the physiques of these gentlemen) and shipped to Fallujah, Iraq. Mistakes are made on the flight, and the trio finds themselves unwittingly deposited in Mexico. Presuming the dark-skinned natives of the area to be the enemy, America’s Not-So-Finest attempt to depose the ruling government in the area. Comedy hijinks allegedly ensue.

Look, this isn’t art and it’s not rocket science. Barring a 28th congressional amendment preventing further movie fiascos involving Larry the Cable Guy, this movie is going to be released into theaters. We can’t stop it. We may only hope to contain it before its virulent stupidity spreads. (David Mumpower/BOP)

Vital statistics for Delta Farce
Main Cast Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, DJ Qualls
Supporting Cast Marisol Nichols, Danny Trejo, Keith David
Director C.B. Harding
Screenwriter Bear Aderhold, Tom Sullivan
Distributor Lionsgate
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Rating PG-13
Screen Count 1,931
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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