Kids in America

Release Date: October 21, 2005
Limited release

Miss Vessey is mean!

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From director Josh Stolberg comes this film set at the fictional Booker High School where an eclectic group of students becomes tired of seeing their freedoms stripped. Taking matters into their own hands, they join together to try to protect their own community and embrace freedom of speech.

One of the students is Holden Donovan (Everwood's Gregory Smith), a young man who has had it with his principal (Julie Bowen, currently playing a lawyer on Boston Legal). The students believe the principal's efforts at suppressing free expression go too far. She expels one young lady who passes out free condoms on a national "safe sex" day and suspends two boys who she sees kissing in the hallway. The biggest problem is that she is running for superintendent of the school district, which means that she'll be able to exert her influence over a far wider range of kids.

One of the school's teachers (Malik Yoba) decides to take the side of the students, encouraging them to stand up for their rights, and finds himself fired for his trouble. Determined to continue the fight, he makes a documentary to chronicle the experiences of the students who are finding themselves stifled. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Kids in America
Main Cast Gregory Smith, Stephanie Sherrin, Chris Morris
Supporting Cast Caitlin Wachs, Emy Coligado, Crystal Celeste Grant, Alex Anfanger, Julie Bowen, Malik Yoba, Andrew Shaifer, Nicole Richie, Genevieve Cortese, George Wendt, Adam Arkin
Director Josh Stolberg
Screenwriter Andrew Shaifer, Josh Stolberg
Distributor Slow Hand Releasing
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Running Time 91 minutes
Screen Count 700 (Estimated)
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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