March of the Penguins

Release Date: June 24, 2005
Limited release

Movie of the Day for Tuesday, June 14, 2005
See other Movies of the Day

This has the makings of a great horror film.

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
43/85 Kim Hollis A gorgeous, beautifully-shot film.
119/166 David Mumpower It's a penguin snuff film! Don't be tricked by the marketing! They lure you in then they kill the cute little dudes in tuxes right in front of you. It's like an Iron Chef episode.

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If characters like Tennessee Tuxedo and animated movies and shorts from Madagascar to Wallace and Gromit's The Wrong Trousers have proven nothing else, it's that penguins are just really damned lovable and adorable. Filmmaker Luc Jacquet takes full advantage of that notion as he directs a documentary that deals with a year in the life of an emperor penguin flock. And you can just bet that audiences will get a huge kick out of it.

The movie will center on one penguin couple in particular as it watches the flock overcome numerous obstacles as they attempt to return to their breeding grounds in time for mating season. Morgan Freeman and others narrate as the emperor penguins cycle through such life events as birth, dating, mating, love, survival and even death.

Look for the film to see a platform release, as Warner Independent Pictures intends to start the film in major cities before gradually moving it out to smaller markets. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for March of the Penguins
Director Luc Jacquet
Screenwriter Luc Jacquet, Michel Fessler
Distributor Warner Independent Pictures
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating G
Running Time 85 minutes
Screen Count 4
Awards Awards page for March of the Penguins
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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