Amarillo Slim in a World Full of Fat People

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Milos Forman, who has never found a biopic he didn't want to direct, will next tackle the story of Amarillo Slim Preston, who has never thought of a bet he didn't want to make. Forman gained mainstream attention in 1975 with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the first of his two Oscar wins. He has worked sparingly as of late, with his only work in the past ten years being the biopics of Larry Flynt and Andy Kaufman, the former of which was his third Oscar nomination, and the first time he was just honored to be nominated. Producer and star Nicolas Cage has tapped the writers behind Ali and Nixon to adapt Preston's memoirs in this attempt to get himself and Forman back on their winning ways with the Academy.

Born in the late 1920s in Arkansas, Slim moved to Amarillo at a very young age. Though first coming to the public eye as a poker player, Preston still lists pool player as his profession. He has won four World Series of Poker bracelets, including one championship bracelet, and is a member of the Poker Hall of Fame. His best abilities, however, may be his storytelling and his ability to come up with unusual wagers. These usually took the form of challenging someone to a game they were better at than he was, but altering the rules slighty to even the playing field, or by doing things that sound nearly impossible. He has beaten champions of pool and table tennis at modified versions of their respective games, defeated world leaders at poker, and has hit a golf ball well over a mile. His advice, "Look around the table. If you don't see the sucker, get up, because you're the sucker," is probably his most well-known and also his most true statement. (Jared Fields/BOP)

Vital statistics for Amarillo Slim in a World Full of Fat People
Main Cast Nicolas Cage
Director Milos Forman
Screenwriter Stephen Rivele, Christopher Wilkinson
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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