Thank You for Smoking

Release Date: March 17, 2006
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Limited release

I drew this myself!

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
9/47 Amanda Jones Very obviously aspired to greatness, but fell just short of its aims. Not quite clever enough.
10/200 Max Braden A darkly funny drama with some great dialogue and characters.
18/159 David Mumpower Ridiculously witty movie borders on being too sleek for its own good, but pulls it off with grrrreat performances.
22/65 Kim Hollis Super smart, funny and cleverly crafted.
28/68 Michael Bentley It's a smart, funny, and even warm-hearted look at lobbyists, but not quite as biting as it should have been.
30/52 Les Winan Well made and entertaining. I was expecting something a bit more scathing. A film almost too proud of itself for being clever.

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Based on the novel by Christopher Buckley, this dark, satirical comedy will star Aaron Eckhart as Nick Naylor, the chief spokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies. As the industry's chief spokesman, he's been called names such as "Gucci Goebbels", "Yuppie Mephistopheles" and "Death Merchant". He argues against the puritanical anti-smoking trends, a controversial position that earns him guest spots on Larry King Live and the opportunity to be the heir to the granddaddy of Winston-Salem. He's also been the recipient of numerous death threats.

His job as mouthpiece for the tobacco industry causes serious problems on the home front, however. Nick is trying to be a role model for his 12-year-old son, but it's hard to do that when you're espousing things you might not completely believe.

Along with Eckhart, Thank You For Smoking features a bright cast. Maria Bello (The Cooler), Adam Brody (The O.C.), Sam Elliott, Katie Holmes, and William H. Macy are all onboard as well. It's sure to be controversial thanks to its title, but the movie's cynic examination of personal freedom and political correctness should be an interesting thematic study. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Thank You for Smoking
Main Cast Aaron Eckhart, Robert Duvall, Katie Holmes
Supporting Cast William H. Macy, Sam Elliott, Adam Brody, Cameron Bright, J.K. Simmons, David Koechner, Kim Dickens
Director Jason Reitman
Screenwriter Jason Reitman
Distributor Fox Searchlight
Screen Count 5
Awards Awards page for Thank You for Smoking
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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