Frozen River

Release Date: August 1, 2008
Limited release

Movie of the Day for Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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Pictures like this are what keep us out of lesbian bars.

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
60/196 Max Braden Great job by both Leo and Misty Upham.

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Frozen River is the winner of the 2008 Grand Jury Prize in the drama category at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival.

Written and directed by Courtney Hunt (first time writer and director), the film stars Melissa Leo (best known for five seasons as a cast member on tv's Homicide: Life on the Street in the '90's) and Misty Upham (from nothing you've ever seen before) as women in a small town in far upstate New York near the Canadian border. Both single moms and with few options to make ends meet, they become wrapped up in illegal border smuggling along the St. Lawrence River, which divides the two nations. Co-starring is Michael O'Keefe (Caddyshack, Michael Clayton, a 1979 Best Supporting Actor nominee for The Great Santini) as a New York State Trooper tracking the two women.

The movie was filmed on location in upstate New York (where it gets hella cold, let me tell you), and after winning at Sundance, it was picked up by Sony Pictures Classics for limited release in August. (Tim Briody/BOP)

Vital statistics for Frozen River
Main Cast Melissa Leo, Misty Upham
Director Courtney Hunt
Screenwriter Courtney Hunt
Distributor Sony Pictures Classics
Rating R
Screen Count 7
Awards Awards page for Frozen River
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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