Marley & Me

Release Date: December 25, 2008

Movie of the Day for Tuesday, December 23, 2008
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And now his work is complete.

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104/196 Max Braden Cute, but this was about his dog, not mine, so I wasn't drawn in too much.

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If we learned nothing else from Beverly Hills Chihuahua, it's that cute doggy movies can bring in some serious bank. And if people thought that those Chihuahuas were adorable, how much more can go right when America's choice, the labrador retriever, takes center stage in a film?

Marley & Me is based on a very popular memoir by John Grogan, and tells the story of the 13 years they spend with the eponymous puppy. Anyone who has had a puppy (or even a kitten) knows that pets can be trying from time to time, and Marley appears to have been no exception. Sometimes our pets, no matter how much we love them, make us wonder if they have brain damage, or perhaps if they are simply insane. The movie version of Marley & Me will surely capture all of these moments to hilarious result - all while tugging at our heartstrings.

Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston star in the film, though you could really have put just about any attractive 30- or 40- something in the movie and have the box office results be about the same. Let's not kid ourselves. The dog is the draw. And being scheduled for Christmastime is simply ideal. Families can agree that this is a movie that all can enjoy together. And the adorable Marley can roll in dollars and get all kinds of special treats as a reward. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Marley & Me
Main Cast Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston, Alan Arkin
Supporting Cast Eric Dane, Kathleen Turner
Director David Franklin
Screenwriter Scott Frank, Don Roos
Distributor Twentieth Century Fox
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Screen Count 3,480
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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