
Release Date: June 1, 2007
Limited release

Movie of the Day for Saturday, May 19, 2007
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He's so gentle for a hangman.

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
55/214 Max Braden Timothy Spall is great in this role.

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Albert has been loyal to his family business ever since he came of working age. He has followed in the footsteps of both his father and his uncle and has risen through the ranks of his chosen profession. You might be surprised to know what his job is, though. He is one of the most masterful executioners of his country, working to perfect his craft as a hangman. Oh, and he also works on the side as a grocery deliveryman. He can't have people knowing his true hangman identity, after all.

Over the years, Albert is responsible for the execution of Nazi war criminals and notorious murderers. The problem is, these executions eventually lead to his becoming a minor celebrity and cause him to lose his anonymity. He is bothered by the two facets of his life coming together as well as the fact that public opinion is turning against execution. Will he be able to make it all work out or will he have to walk away?

Pierrepoint received some positive attention on its release in Britain. It's definitely an indie film with limited appeal, but should find a small audience in North America. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Pierrepoint
Main Cast Timothy Spall, Juliet Stevenson, Eddie Marsan
Supporting Cast Michael Norton
Director Adrian Shergold
Screenwriter Jeff Pope
Distributor IFC Films
Official Site http://www.pierrepointmovie.com/
Rating R
Screen Count 3
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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