Piranha 3D

Release Date: August 20, 2010

Poor little fishy.

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
112/123 David Mumpower I was with the film for the first half hour but then it lost me completely. By the last scene, I was begging for the credits to roll.
159/190 Max Braden I do appreciate gratuitous boobs, but the piranha cgi is SyFy-channel quality. I'm not expecting ILM effects, but come on. You'll get more laughs it you go rent an actual early 80s T&A horror flic

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The continuing parade of 3D films now includes remakes of horror films you probably don't remember. In this case, it's the 1978 film Piranha getting the treatment.

Instead of military engineered mutant fish gone awry, Piranha 3D will take place in a sleepy Arizona town that swells with young people every 4th of July weekend. An earthquake or tremor or some sort of plate tectonics will release prehistoric bloodthirsty fish into the water in the town's lake. It's up to a ragtag band of C-listers (including Elisabeth Shue, Ving Rhames, Christopher Lloyd, Jerry O'Connell and Richard Dreyfuss) to save the day. Have we mentioned it's in 3D? Of course it is.

Piranha 3D is helmed by French director Alexandre Aja, who is no stranger to horror remakes, as he was behind 2006's The Hills Have Eyes remake.

The Weinstein Company is clearly hoping audiences aren't tired of the 3D gimmick just yet. (Tim Briody/BOP)

Vital statistics for Piranha 3D
Main Cast Jessica Szohr, Steven R. McQueen, Elisabeth Shue
Supporting Cast Jerry O'Connell, Ving Rhames, Richard Dreyfuss, Christopher Lloyd
Director Alexandre Aja
Screenwriter Alexandre Aja, Greg Levasseur, Pete Goldfinger, Josh Stolberg
Distributor Dimension Films
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site http://piranha-3d.com/
Rating R
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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