The Family Stone

Release Date: December 16, 2005
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Movie of the Day for Friday, August 19, 2005
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No, I wouldn't care to arm wrestle. What an odd thing to ask.

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
35/60 Les Winan Cliched and, ultimately, depressing. Somehow it still manages to charm. An outstanding cast does their best.
68/85 Kim Hollis I rolled my eyes frequently.
81/166 David Mumpower Tender, memorable ending is nowhere near enough to save an otherwise uneven mess.

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Everett Stone is the favorite son in a large, close-knit family. He's become involved in a serious relationship with a girl named Julie, and plans to propose. Before he does so, of course, he has to bring her home to meet his family. They find her a bit…uptight.

Surprised by the hostile reception from her potential in-laws, Julie tries to call in reinforcements. Her sister arrives on the scene, but only manages to complicate things further. The Family Stone has joined forces against a common enemy.

This comedy from Tom Bezucha has been through a few iterations and a number of cast members. At one time, it was called Hating Her and starred Johnny Knoxville, Selma Blair and Bridget Moynihan. Now, Dermot Mulroney portrays Everett Stone, while other members of his protective family include Diane Keaton, Craig T. Nelson, Rachel McAdams, and Dermot Mulroney. Sarah Jessica Parker stars as Julie, and the role of her sister will be handled by Claire Danes. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Family Stone
Main Cast Luke Wilson, Claire Danes, Diane Keaton
Supporting Cast Rachel McAdams, Dermot Mulroney, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Tyrone Giordano, Elizabeth Reaser, Paul Schneider, Brian J. White
Director Tom Bezucha
Screenwriter Tom Bezucha
Distributor Twentieth Century Fox
Rating PG-13
Running Time 102 minutes
Awards Awards page for The Family Stone
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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