Big Fish

Release Date: December 10, 2003
Limited release

McGregor squeezes in a few rounds of golf between shoots.

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Big Fish is based on the novel by the same name, and tells the story of a son endeavoring to understand his dying father. William Bloom saw little of his father, Edward, while growing up; Edward was a traveling salesman and spent a great deal of time on the road in the South, pedaling his wares. When Edward was home, however, he regaled William with tall tales about his adventures. There are four legends told by Edward in the novel, which one would imagine will also be covered in the film: In Which He Speaks to Animals, How He Tamed the Giant, How He Saved My Life and His Immortality. Keeping vigil by his father’s deathbed, William relives these tales in an effort to come to grips with both Edward’s grand deeds and epic failings, hoping to connect with the man he barely knew growing up before it is too late.

Big Fish is Tim Burton’s first film since his not-well-received remake of Planet of the Apes; given the stellar cast and intriguing storyline, the film promises a return to the type of quirky filmmaking that made Burton such an intriguing creative force in a Hollywood grown too formulaic and enamored of the safe route. With the likes of Albert Finney, Ewan McGregor (who plays the old and young versions of Edward, respectively), Billy Crudup (as William), Jessica Lange, Helena Bonham Carter, Danny DeVito and a host of other stars, Big Fish has the potential to be quite a fascinating holiday entry. At the very least, it will be an interesting outing from a director who is not afraid to take chances and offer audiences movies that can’t be sussed inside the first five minutes. (Stephanie Star Smith/BOP)

Vital statistics for Big Fish
Main Cast Billy Crudup, Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney
Supporting Cast Steve Buscemi, Danny DeVito, Jessica Lange, Alison Lohman, David Denman, Helena Bonham Carter
Director Tim Burton
Screenwriter John August, Daniel Wallace (novel Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions)
Distributor Sony/Columbia
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Running Time 125 minutes
Screen Count 2,406
Awards Awards page for Big Fish
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture

Comparison films for Big Fish
Adjusted Opening
Total BO
Adjusted Total
Forrest Gump 7/8/9424.45 36.13 1595 15329.00 21791.2 329.65 487.18 13.15
Secondhand Lions 9/19/0312.14 12.14 3013 4029.00 4029.0 41.76 41.76 3.44
Riding in Cars with Boys 10/19/0110.80 11.52 2770 3899.00 4002.5 29.78 31.78 2.76
Regarding Henry 7/12/916.15 8.80 800 7688.00 10591.5 42.59 61.00 6.62



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