The Fog of War:
Eleven Lessons of Robert S. McNamara

Release Date: December 19, 2003
Limited release

For the last time, gentlemen, there's no fighting in the War Room!

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Fog of War is a documentary about Robert S McNamara, as one would guess from the subtitle. What one might not know is that McNamara served as Secretary of Defense under both JFK and LBJ, and was one of the so-called Best and Brightest brought into government service by the youthful Kennedy. An expert on military affairs and foreign policy, McNamara was witness to many of the seminal events in American history, and has very definite views on how US administrations, both past and present, conduct themselves in this arena. The documentary will combine archival footage and re-enactments with interview with the always-opinionated McNamara. Adding to the prestige of the film is the presence of Errol Morris, acclaimed director of such documentaries as The Thin Blue Line and A Brief History of Time.

Fog of War is being given a limited release beginning December 26, 2003, just in time to qualify for the Academy Awards. One would expect the film to garner a great deal of attention, and likely a few nominations, from the year-end honors, but given the subject matter, the film will probably not stay long on the art-house circuit. It should, however, enjoy a long life in the home-video market, as well as adding another illustrious entry to the already-impressive resume of a skilled documentarian. (Stephanie Star Smith/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons of Robert S. McNamara
Main Cast Robert McNamara
Director Errol Morris
Distributor Sony Pictures Classics
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Running Time 95 minutes
Screen Count 3
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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