The Vow

Release Date: February 10, 2012

I'm excited for you to take your shirt off, Channing.

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150/169 Max Braden I can understand Tatum's character's frustration, but there's better chemistry between McAdams and Speedman. The Time Traveler's Wife was better.

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Some movie evaluations are not rocket science. Well, a few of them are but that’s not the point. The Vow is a Notebook-ish release starring the female lead from The Notebook, Rachel McAdams. Rather than pair her with her former real life boyfriend Ryan Gosling once again, this movie replaces Gosling with a guy who – as impossible as this may seem - has an even better body. That man is Channing Tatum, which means that in upgrading the looks quotient, the producers of The Vow have downgraded the acting ability quotient quite a bit. Who cares, though? Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum are gorgeous people who should be forced to make a sex tape for the better of mankind. But I digress.

The story of The Vow is Nicholas Sparks-ish. No, I’m not saying that someone is going to die. What I mean is that it’s an impossible romantic premise involving a married couple dealt a brutal twist of fate. Leo and Paige Collins have a car accident and when Paige wakes up, she finds herself in that most famous of soap opera plots wherein she has amnesia. With no recollection of the last few years of her life, Paige has no idea why she wound up with Leo (apparently, he is wearing a shirt during this sequence) and so she questions all aspects of their life. As was the case in the underrated gem, 50 First Dates, Leo endeavors to remind Paige of how great the two of them are together. I presume that this process involves some sort of vow.

Anyway, The Vow is a sweeping romance starring two of the hottest celebrities in the world. It’s going to make a ton of money and lead to some wistful sighs and shed tears in theaters. If you are a woman, you probably want to see this and if you are a man, you will pretend for the next several years that this is one of your favorite movies in order to impress women. It’s win/win. (David Mumpower/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Vow
Main Cast Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum
Supporting Cast Sam Neill, Scott Speedman, Jessica Lange
Director Michael Sucsy
Screenwriter Abby Kohn, Marc Silverstein, Jason Katims
Distributor Screen Gems
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Running Time 104 minutes
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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