
Release Date: April 18, 2008
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Movie of the Day for Wednesday, August 15, 2007
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 I wonder how many times I'll die in this movie?

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It's certainly been done before. Alfred Hitchcock's Rope, A Perfect Murder, Murder by Numbers, that one episode of Veronica Mars. There's a fascination in movies, television and mystery novels with committing the perfect murder, and the concept lends itself perfectly to all sorts of iterations. Whether or not the stories are successful depends on the creativity of the project in question.

This time around, the "perfect murder" movie is Pathology, and it doesn't necessarily ooze originality. The premise of the story is that a young intern who is studying pathology at a hospital in Philadelphia comes into contact with some colleagues who are playing a deadly game. They compete amongst each other to see who amongst them to see who can commit the perfect murder. Because they are all pathologists, they also work to determine the causes of death for the victims.

How will Pathology attempt to stand out from all of the other run-of-the-mill thrillers and horror films that are overrunning the movie release schedule? First off, it's surely going to strive to be more stylish. To that end, an impossibly pretty cast has been put into place. The key cast member is Milo Ventimiglia, who in the past couldn't have been counted on to open a film, but now thanks to his starring role as Peter Petrelli on Heroes might attract quite a few more fans. Pathology also features The L Word's Lauren Lee Smith and Alyssa Milano, who has most recently starred on Charmed. Its best chance at success is on the DVD circuit, of course, but it has a chance at a decent theatrical showing if it can be marketed to its strengths. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Pathology
Main Cast Milo Ventimiglia, Lauren Lee Smith, Johnny Whitworth
Supporting Cast Alyssa Milano, Keir O'Donnell, Dan Callahan, Michael Weston, Mei Melancon
Director Marc Schoelermann
Screenwriter Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Distributor MGM
Rating R
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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