The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

Release Date: June 14, 2002
Limited release

Clarice has really changed a lot.

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This film is based on the book of the same name by Chris Fuhrman. It also includes some wonderful animation by comic-book artist Todd McFarlane.

This coming-of-age movie tries to give a realistic portrayal of that tough age for kids, rather than an idealized portrayal. We follow a group of five Catholic altar boys in the mid-1970s that are rebelling against the rules of their Catholic school. They love to draw comics and decide to place two sources of their anger in some sexually-explicit adventures. The ringleaders, Francis Doyle (Emile Hirsch) and Tim Sullivan (Kieran Culkin), have the book taken away by the one-legged nun Sister Assumpta (Jodie Foster), and they are in a quest to retrieve it and take out some revenge on Assumpta.

There are some terrific animation scenes where the boys' comic-book alter egos come to life. Todd McFarlane of Spawn fame brings his unique creative touch to these scenes.

The film had its world premiere at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival where it was well-received by audiences and critics. If you loved the movie Stand by Me, or the coming-of-age genre in general, this may be the film for you. (Marty Doskins/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
Main Cast Kieran Culkin, Jena Malone, Emile Hirsch, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jodie Foster
Supporting Cast Jake Richardson, Tyler Long, Melissa Suzanne McBride, Dylan Scott, Michele Seidman
Director Peter Care
Screenwriter Jeff Stockwell, Michael Petroni
Distributor ThinkFilm
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Rating R
Running Time 104 minutes
Screen Count 125
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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