The Game of Their Lives

Release Date: April 22, 2005
Limited release

Wow, the creepy kid from American Beauty and the oldest kid from Home Improvement got buff.

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The year is 1950, and the U.S. soccer team has not qualified to go to the World Cup since 1934. Much of this was because soccer was considered a minor sport in the states, which meant that our team was comprised almost exclusively of semi-professional sons of immigrants who were taught the game by older relatives.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, the British were the princes and kings of European soccer and seemed destined to win the cup. Yet on a shocking day in Belo Horizonte, a Brazilian mining town, the U.S. team met the British in one of the early rounds of the World Cup. In the end, this little team of underdogs pulls off one of the most shocking upsets in soccer and World Cup history, winning the game 1-0. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Game of Their Lives
Main Cast Wes Bentley, Richard Jenik, Gerard Butler
Supporting Cast Mike Bacarella, Maria Bertrand, Zachery Ty Brian
Director David Anspaugh
Screenwriter Angelo Pizzo
Distributor IFC Films
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG
Running Time 101 minutes
Screen Count 64
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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