
Release Date: March 31, 2006
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He's really happy that Joss Whedon has gotten him some attention.

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
13/68 Michael Bentley Provides a healthy dose of gore, humor, and scares. Less light-hearted than I was expecting, but well worth it if you like horror.
17/52 Les Winan Fun and witty. You can never go wrong with Nathan Fillion or Elizabeth Banks.
52/65 Kim Hollis Hugely disappointing. Too gory by far and not nearly as funny as advertised.
66/159 David Mumpower I liked it, but not as much as I had hoped. It's no Tremors, that's for sure.

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James Gunn, who wrote the update of Dawn of the Dead, will make his directorial debut with this mutant monster movie. According to the horror film Web site Dread Central, the helmer has promised that the film will have a hard-R rating rather than the sanitized PG-13 that so many movies of the genre are using these days to try to draw in the teen crowd.

The movie is set in a small town and tells the story about an alien plague that overruns the denizen of the city. The residents become zombies and mutant monsters. The story will center on one character in general who is deeply in love with his wife, and even after he becomes a monster, he keeps on loving her. Nonetheless, he sets out on a murderous spree, causing her to team up with an old flame to try to fight the situation.

Heading up the movie's cast is Nathan Fillion, who is popular in Joss Whedon fan circles as the guy who portrays Captain Mal Reynolds on the television series Firefly and the movie adaptation that came from the show, Serenity. The movie looks to be good, scary fun. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Slither
Main Cast Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks, Michael Rooker
Supporting Cast Gregg Henry, Tanja Saulnier
Director James Gunn
Screenwriter James Gunn
Distributor Universal
Rating R
Screen Count 1,943
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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