Breaking and Entering

Release Date: February 9, 2007
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Jude Law broke in and stole your robe.

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Anthony Minghella will move from Miramax to the WeinsteinCo. along with the brothers who started the company as he helms Breaking and Entering, his follow-up to such stuff as The Talented Mr. Ripley and Cold Mountain. The star of his film will be Jude Law, who featured heavily in both of the director's two previous efforts.

Law will play Will, a London architect whose life is in both personal and professional crisis. When a young Muslim thief breaks into Will's office, a series of interconnected events are set into motion that cause the young architect to re-evaluate the direction he is headed.

Working from his own original screenplay, Minghella will hope to draw forth the same sort of outstanding performance from Law that he has been able to get previously. Both men have received multiple Academy Award nominations for their work, which gives the film a marvelous pedigree from the outset. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Breaking and Entering
Main Cast Jude Law, Vera Farmiga
Director Anthony Minghella
Screenwriter Anthony Minghella
Distributor The WeinsteinCo
Rating R
Running Time 116 minutes
Screen Count 22
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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