Take the Lead

Release Date: April 7, 2006
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You are now carrying my child. It is the mystery of the dance.

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
28/47 Amanda Jones Maybe it's the dancing that made the normally offensive Banderas seem downright charismatic.
110/159 David Mumpower I am just not a dance movie kind of guy.

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Dianne Houston wrote this screenplay that is inspired by the true story of international ballroom dancer Pierre Dulane. The movie will center on a former professional dancer who volunteers to teach dance in the public school system of New York City. Since his focus is ballroom, his methods naturally are in conflict with the hip-hop instincts of the students. Rather than give up on them, he joins forces with the students, mentoring them as together they create a completely new style of dance.

Antonio Banderas, who was nominated for a Tony Award for his work in Nine the Musical, will star as the dance teacher, and Alfre Woodard will portray the principal of the school. Director Liz Friedlander makes her feature film debut. She has previously helmed music videos for such artists as Blink 182, Dido, REM and U2. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Take the Lead
Main Cast Antonio Banderas
Director Liz Friedlander
Screenwriter Dianne Houston
Distributor New Line Cinema
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site http://www.taketheleadmovie.com/
Rating PG-13
Running Time 108 minutes
Screen Count 3,009
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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