The Island

Release Date: July 22, 2005

I loved George Lucas, so I thought I'd try a Michael Bay film next!

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
48/60 Les Winan Filled with Bay-cliches and hilariously cheesy moments. Thank god for the stellar cast.
70/85 Kim Hollis It's not as terrible as its box office might have you believe, but it's not great either.
83/166 David Mumpower The first 45 minutes of the film is visceral and imaginitive. The rest of it is standard Michael Bay crap.

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What's a harvested being?

If you know, you're one step ahead of the media at this point, and that's probably how Michael Bay likes it. Mr. Over-editing has chosen this as his next directorial project. It's the casting of the lead actor that is the real shocker, though. Mercurial thespian Ewan McGregor has signed on to star in the film. The actor who generally sticks to indie films (note: George Lucas is technically an indie director) is stepping into the realm of tentpole releases for a change.

What's so special about The Island that McGregor is ready to visit there? Well, there's this harvested being who wants to escape his residence in utopia. Why anyone would want to escape a utopia is yet another mystery that will hopefully be revealed during the movie. Right now, it sounds a lot like Logan's Run but with more brogue accents. (David Mumpower/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Island
Main Cast Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson, Sean Bean
Supporting Cast Djimon Hounsou, Steve Buscemi
Director Michael Bay
Screenwriter Caspian Tredwell-Owen
Distributor DreamWorks/Warner Bros.
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Running Time 138 minutes
Screen Count 3,122
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture

Comparison films for The Island
Adjusted Opening
Total BO
Adjusted Total
Minority Report 6/21/0235.68 37.09 3001 11889.00 11889.0 132.01 137.25 3.70
One, The 11/2/0119.11 20.39 2894 6604.00 6779.3 43.91 46.86 2.30
6th Day, The 11/17/0013.02 14.56 2516 5175.00 5568.6 34.54 38.63 2.65
Gattaca 10/24/974.32 5.67 1279 3378.00 4268.5 12.35 16.22 2.86



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