Super Babies: Baby Geniuses 2

Release Date: August 27, 2004

Someone's going to be grumpy about missing naptime.

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In the proud tradition of Pet Sematary Two, Robocop 3, Cruel Intentions 2, and The Skulls 2 (and 3!) comes this ignominious sequel to a movie that nobody liked much in the first place.

In the original Baby Geniuses, two doctors who work for BABYCO, the world's leading manufacturer of baby products, are secretly working to crack the code of "baby talk," which is apparently a sophisticated language that enables babies to communicate the knowledge of the secrets of the universe - secrets with which they are born. The smartest baby of the bunch, Sly, escapes from the lab and unites the babies of the outside world to help the babies that remain in the lab to escape. The doctors responsible for the whole debacle must find their baby nemesis before it's too late.

Now, in this follow-up to that original film, a super baby with mysterious powers will come to the aid of a new set of brilliant toddlers. The film's tagline promises action and adventure: " The New Dirty Dozen... Time For A Change!"

Though the film was initially thought to be intended as a straight-to-video release (which certainly seemed appropriate), it has now appeared on Sony's release schedule as a movie that will be seen in theaters. God help us all. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Super Babies: Baby Geniuses 2
Main Cast Jon Voight, Scott Baio, Vanessa Angel
Supporting Cast Skyler Shaye, Justin Chatwin, Peter Wingfield, Gerry Fitzgerald, Leo Fitzgerald, Myles Fitzgerald, Max Iles, Michael Iles, Jared Scheideman, Jordan Scheideman, Maia Bastidas, Keana Bastidas
Director Bob Clark
Screenwriter Steven Paul
Distributor Sony/Columbia
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG
Running Time 90 minutes
Screen Count 1,276
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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