Sky High

Release Date: July 29, 2005
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Movie of the Day for Tuesday, March 8, 2005
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You say Goldie has this same exact outfit? Innnnteresting!...

On the Big Board
Position Staff In Brief
21/166 David Mumpower The most pleasant cinematic surprise of 2005. The fact that it's written by the Kim Possible people explains everything.
22/85 Kim Hollis Utterly charming and wonderful fun. A most pleasant surprise. (Plus, Bruce Campbell!)

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Everyone knows that it's not easy being a teenager, but imagine, if you will, that you are a teenager with two parents who just happen to be superheroes. Such is the case of Jeremy, son of Commander Stronghold and Jetstream. He attends a high school where all of his fellow students are also sons and daughters of someone with superpowers. So while already having to deal with problems like keeping grades in line, staying out of trouble, and just fitting in, these kids are also having to consider the ramifications of possibly being superheroes themselves at some point in the future.

Sixteen-year-old Michael Angarano, who endeared himself to BOP forever when he played young William Miller in Almost Famous, has landed the lead role in the film.
Since he charmed us in that role, he has also been featured in such films as Little Secrets and Seabiscuit, not to mention the fact that he had a recurring role on Will and Grace.

At this point, Sky High sounds like a rather clever combination of Spy Kids, where teens have extraordinary talents, and The Tick, where superheroes are commonplace. At any rate, if it can successfully capture the malaise experienced by teens, it could be very appealing to that target demographic. (Kim Hollis/BOP)

Vital statistics for Sky High
Main Cast Michael Angarano, Kurt Russell, Kelly Preston
Supporting Cast Lynda Carter, Dave Foley, Bruce Campbell, Kevin McDonald
Director Mike Mitchell
Screenwriter Paul Hernandez, Mark McCorkle, Robert Schooley
Distributor Walt Disney Pictures
Trailer Click Here for Trailer
Official Site
Rating PG
Running Time 98 minutes
Screen Count 2,905
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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