The Aryan Couple

Release Date: November 18, 2005
Limited release


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Kenny Doughty and Caroline Carver must either have the same agent or an incredible amount of chemistry together. For the second consecutive film, the relative unknowns have been cast in lead roles as a couple. The first production is My First Wedding. Here, they are the titular Aryan couple.

The movie is set during the latter days of World War II. A successful Jewish businessman is faced with a decision. In order to secure the safety of his family in times of extreme bigotry, he must give away control of his corporation. In exchange for giving the Nazis the company he built, his family will be allowed to flee the country. But how can he trust these monsters to be as good as their word? (David Mumpower/BOP)

Vital statistics for The Aryan Couple
Main Cast Martin Landau, Judy Parfitt, Danny Webb
Supporting Cast Steven Mackintosh, Kenny Doughty, Caroline Carver
Director John Daly
Screenwriter John Daly, Kendrew Lascelles
Distributor Celebration International
Official Site
Rating PG-13
Running Time 120 minutes
Talent in red has entry in The Big Picture



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